
20 | 12 |2024

International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2025

The Municipality of The Hague, the Embassy of Israel in the Netherlands and the Jewish cultural organization CHAJ have the pleasure to announce the 7th annual International Holocaust Remembrance Day The Hague Commemoration.


Monday, January 27th, 2025 
at 17.00 hours
- doors open at 15.45 -

Location: The Peace Palace Academy Building
Carnegieplein 2, 2517 KJ, The Hague, The Netherlands

Keynote address: ‘Painful beginnings’

Delivered by: Professor András Kovács D.Sc. Professor emeritus at the Nationalism Studies Program, and former academic director of the Jewish Studies Program at Central European University.
About Prof. Kovács 

Registration for the event will open on January 6, 2025.   

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